At least announced on DVD by L'Atelier 13 (in original Spanish language and English dubbing), EL HOMBRE PERSEGUIDO POR UN OVNI (strangely, English title was THE MAN OF GANIMEDES) has been totally forgotten but it must to be watched. Its director is a sort of Spanish Ed Wood who dedicated his life to the cinema but whose filmography is almost unseen and unedited. He directed for example a movie, El diario rojo (in 1982) that was never shown to any audience and make some amateurish sci fi shorts since 1957 to 1995. EL HOMBRE PERSEGUIDO POR UN OVNI, his first long run, is not a great film due to its very low budget but it is very interesting, the special effects and props are very good and some times inventive, the English dubbing is funny. A strange cross between the B-budget American sci fi movies, the gore gender, and the typical Spanish cinema with its inevitable surrealistic dream sequences and its spicy chorizo erotico clichés. A curiosity. Highly recommended.
Review by spanichi from the Internet Movie Database.