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Madmen of Mandoras, The

Madmen of Mandoras, The (1963) Movie Poster
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USA  •    •  74m  •    •  Directed by: David Bradley.  •  Starring: Walter Stocker, Audrey Caire, Carlos Rivas, John Holland, Marshall Reed, Scott Peters, Keith Dahle, Dani Lynn, Nestor Paiva, Pedro Regas, Bill Freed, Chuck Beston, Hap Holmwood.  •  Music by: Don Hulette.
     Hitler's Brain is saved by Nazi madmen, and is giving orders on a small tropical island!


   Length:  Languages:  Subtitles:


Image from: Madmen of Mandoras, The (1963)
Image from: Madmen of Mandoras, The (1963)
Image from: Madmen of Mandoras, The (1963)
Image from: Madmen of Mandoras, The (1963)
Image from: Madmen of Mandoras, The (1963)
Image from: Madmen of Mandoras, The (1963)
Image from: Madmen of Mandoras, The (1963)
Image from: Madmen of Mandoras, The (1963)
Image from: Madmen of Mandoras, The (1963)
Image from: Madmen of Mandoras, The (1963)
Image from: Madmen of Mandoras, The (1963)
Image from: Madmen of Mandoras, The (1963)
I'm not sure what this picture was meant to be, but I'm going to give the directorwriteretc credit and say they meant it as a good time political action thriller comedy on a drive-thru budget. It is sort of those things, if you are willing to accept a very loose definition of the individual terms.

Clever Plot? Not at all (actually confusing if you stop to think about it) Believable characters? Nope... but just as I don't kick puppies I won't beat up too much on the merits of this lovable loser. It's goofy fun and doesn't take itself that seriously. Coming in just barely over an hour, it's not too much time out of your life, and I would say probably is worth it on the 'I"m just curious' dilemma surrounding all of these campy drive thru films.

Review by Chris Haskell from the Internet Movie Database.