Canada 1996 97m      Directed by: Sheldon Inkol. Starring: Michael Paré, Marian Skretas, Tara Manuel, Peter Wylde, Kevin Stapleton, Pamela Keyes, Scott Maudsley, Kells James, Sean T. Krishnan, Sandra Allard, J. Brian MacDonald, Stephen R. Hart, Patrick Gorny. Music by: Donald Quan.
The world is a bleak desolate place where the people live in elevated cities. As the ground is uninhabitable, the citizens spend most of their lives wasting their time in virtual reality. Carver is a dream-breaker whose job is to enter the world of VR and fix what is wrong. And what is wrong is that his gal pal Dinah has been murdered in VR which should not be possible. But Carver soon finds that Dinah has constructed a transducer which allows people to enter VR without other equipment, but creates a rift. That rift causes people to enter VR, but also allows the creatures from the game to enter the real world.
I'm not entirely sure that this movie deserves to have anything said about it. But since I am saying something... hmmm... what was good about this movie? There actually was some decent acting but mostly just a lot of bad acting. Some of the alien monster dudes were kind of neat. Okay, but, all that was good truly comprised a mere 1 or 2% of this freakin' piece of trash that's called a movie. The remaining 98% was purely worthless and the world would be a better place if this movie didn't exist. What was up with the garbage bag walkway to heaven? It was like some money (not much) was spent on some of the set design but on other parts the set designer must have quit or just ran out of ideas or money or both. Whatever. Trust me, any vote over 5 is not right and should be ignored.
Review by Chris Winston from the Internet Movie Database.