USA 2002 84m Directed by: Jon Olsen. Starring: Gabrielle Bell, Ryan Burns, Miranda Eckert, Jon Fisher, Trevor Guthrie, Melissa Hannum, Chris Henry, Zack Levine, Clover Lutter, Anna McGriff, Doug Mitchell, Jon Olsen, Tory St. Peters. Music by: Doug Mitchell.
In "Ape Canyon" a lone Bigfoot (North America's Greatest Lover) roams the forests of the Pacific Northwest. He brings his gift of Red Hot Sasquatch Love to nature-loving ladies everywhere, whether they're hugging trees or simply camping and hiking. Bored waitress Darcy had one unforgettable encounter and now she wants more. Night and day, she combs the woods for Bigfoot, calling to him, reciting love poems, and yearning for the wild, hairy touch of the beast who can satisfy her better than any man. Darcy's jealous husband Bill is also hot on the trail of Sasquatch, but he's coming with guns blazing. Time is running out for Bigfoot. Will Darcy win his heart before it's too late- or will the consequences of his untamed libido bring his wild ways to an explosive end?
I first saw Ape Canyon as a high schooler when I was at a friends house. We had eaten a few brownies and guzzled a few beers when my friend put the movie into the DVD player. We were shocked, amazed, laughing our asses off and horrified at the ridiculousness of this silly no- budget film.
Zoom forward a few years. A friend of mine stops by and invites me to a zombie music video shoot which Jon Olsen is filming. We became friends after that and I acted in subsequent videos as well as view some more of his recent more serious work.
Ape Canyon may be a ridiculous and even annoying film at times, but it's a stepping stone to Jon's true creativity. My suggestion: Get a little wasted first and you're guaranteed to enjoy at least half of it.
Review by thejukeboxwolf from the Internet Movie Database.