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Terminatrix (1995) Movie Poster
Japan  •    •  73m  •    •  Directed by: Mikio Hirota.  •  Starring: Steve Areno, Beau Billingslea, Bob Bobson, Dorothy Elias-Fahn, Yuuki Fujisawa, Saeko Ichijou, Wendee Lee, Dave Mallow, Matt K. Miller, Kei Mizutani, Tara Sands, Joshua Seth, Melodee Spevack..
    Japanese sex kitten Kei Mizutani in a Terminator knock-off soft core porn vehicle. In the future, killer sex-droids rule the universe. Beautiful women either submit to slavery or they are the enemy. The Terminatrix comes back to the present from the future to combat the sex-bots.


Image from: Terminatrix (1995)
Image from: Terminatrix (1995)
Image from: Terminatrix (1995)
Image from: Terminatrix (1995)
Image from: Terminatrix (1995)
Image from: Terminatrix (1995)
This is pretty much "The Terminator" with the sexes reversed: a female cyborg comes from the future not exactly to kill, but let's say to destroy the reproductive chances of the man who will become the father of the woman who in the future will become the leader of a resistance group against oppression, while another woman also comes from the future to protect him. The similarities end with the basic plot outline, though. "Terminatrix" is slow (the 74 minutes feel like an eternity), dry, underpopulated, cheap (and shot on video), actionless (basically, there is not even one action sequence in the entire movie), and unerotic (plenty of nudity and softcore sex, but more likely to put you to sleep than to turn you on). Kei Mizutani is cute, but this film is worthless. (*)

Review by gridoon 21 October 2007 from the Internet Movie Database.