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High Moon

High Moon (2014) Movie Poster
Canada  •    •  90m  •    •  Directed by: Adam Kane.  •  Starring: Jonathan Tucker, Clay Virtue, Constance Wu, Chris Diamantopoulos, Charity Wakefield, Peter Macon, Garry Chalk, Dana Davis, Darren Shahlavi, Kirby Morrow, Toby Hargrave, Jake Sandvig, Viv Leacock.  •  Music by: Trevor Yuile.
        The whole Moon has been divided into 5 zones (related to Earthen countries), and there is one monopoly consortium which sells the oxygen to everyone. Each zone is focused on extracting precious Helium-3. The lunar-suits provide self-gravity, and they create their own invisible helmet to contain the oxygen. The North-American zone is under the control of an Army General, and the civil workers are Earthen convicts. One of those criminals finds what seems to be a red lunar-flower with blue roots in the site of an inspection, on Moon surface. Few seconds after he touches that flower, there is a huge explosion in a nearby crater which began a moon-quake that swallows the convict and others. The appointed detective for investigation is the elder brother of the convict who touched the flower. The inquiry unveils a huge mystery that involves Russians, Indians, Japanese, the consortium, Helium-3, the convict, the fragile General's daughter, a mysterious technological gay spy Russian officer, some betrayals, more explosions, more flowers with pollen, new forms of life that appear and disappear, a mechanical T-Rex, artificial oxygen, and the vanishing of thousands of humans.


   Length:  Languages:  Subtitles:


Image from: High Moon (2014)
Image from: High Moon (2014)
Image from: High Moon (2014)
Image from: High Moon (2014)
Image from: High Moon (2014)
Image from: High Moon (2014)
Image from: High Moon (2014)
Image from: High Moon (2014)
Image from: High Moon (2014)
Image from: High Moon (2014)
From the first scene, I got the winks that director sent at us: This is a caper in genre of old space comedies and newretro styling of Mad Men. You really have to have a sense of humor to enjoy it, and a good martini on your side table would not hurt either. The dialog dips into all rich clichés from detective noir flicks from 60's, then quotes the optimistic space "future" of 50's, only to let the plot twist its ankles on new age cynicism. I really think that at times that art of "quote" reached the level of Star Trek Next Generation scenes on Holodeck. I loved, loved, loved retro styling and settings! Practically every scene had a morsel for architects, interior and fashion designers, and movie critics with the eye on mid twenty century nostalgia. I loved that actors mostly embraced the new "old" style of dialog.

I think that this movie will have a following, just like Serenity, so don't dis it yet. I gave it 8 for brave originality of trying to do exactly what it is supposed to do: entertain, and cut down on unnecessary heroics: I have already saved the word with my x-box, the day before.

And yes, it calls for follow up series, so I really hope that networks will pick it up.

Review by figarska from the Internet Movie Database.