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Dropa (2018) Movie Poster
USA  •    •  101m  •    •  Directed by: Wayne Slaten.  •  Starring: Jason Douglas, David Matranga, James Hong, Shayla Bagir, Jacob Reynolds, Michelle Ellen Jones, Julie Oliver-Touchstone, Uju, Greg Dean, Matthew Carter, Nima Naserzadeh, Emily Neves, Nick W. Nicholson.  •  Music by: Mike Newport.
     Ronin is a retired member of The Legion, a hit squad responsible for the extinction of an alien race. Set in a future communist America, Ronin must now hunt a renegade Dropa alien intent on killing the former members of his team.


   Length:  Languages:  Subtitles:


Image from: Dropa (2018)
Image from: Dropa (2018)
Image from: Dropa (2018)
Image from: Dropa (2018)
Image from: Dropa (2018)
Image from: Dropa (2018)
This is the exact type of movie we all need to be rejoicing. Most Indy films are talking-head types that try to tug on emotional heart strands to make a name for themselves, Dropa throws caution to the wind and takes on the most expensive genre in great fashion. Sure it's not a 100 million dollar film, but would that money have really mattered in the long run? What Wayne Slaten and his team did was next to impossible today. To have the production value they had, not to mention any visual effects at all, in an Indy film of this budget it so rare, and yet they have managed to pull off a film that has the production value of a much more expensive picture.

Cheers to the Indy filmmakers! Cherish them. Without them, then we would all just be subjected to what a few suits in Hollywood want us to see. I gave this feature a weighted 10 because it has heart and was very entertaining to me. The people behind this film are super-talented and passionate and I can't wait to see what they do next, hopefully with a bigger production budget!

Review by jb-70140 from the Internet Movie Database.