USA 2016 90m Directed by: Dean Gold. Starring: Ben Seton, Dominika Juillet, Gil Navarra, Daz Crawford, Michael Fallon, Cal Rein, Tammy Felice, Dave Vescio, Jesse Wang, May Tan, Jon Napier, Nahid Samandari, Casey Dacanay. Music by: Terry Huud.
Sector 70 is a noir-ish dystopian future where prosperity belongs to the few - and those determined to take it. Jarron Brenner did well by the system until his body was invaded by the technology he helped to sell. After a series of traumatic events, a mysterious agent Miranda May takes it upon herself to help save Jarron's life. Soon, however, they find themselves hunted by the shadowy forces of an alien conspiracy.
Whew, OK, where to begin. This film is a hot mess from start to finish. I'm a huge indie film buff and I can overlook a lot. I don't need studio quality special fx, I don't certainly don't need a star studded cast, but this is ridiculous. The writing is so far off, so out of bounds that I have to think the producer's are being blackmailed by this writerdirector. It's one thing to hamper your cast with a bad script but its entirely unforgivable to back that up with horrific direction. Dominika Juillet is certainly fun to look at and her performance might be the best of the bunch but that simply isn't saying a lot. Ben Seton couldn't carry a film if you taught him how to operate a forklift. This story reminds me of something an at risk teen struggling with addiction would conjure up. I love to support indie work, but this is just a slap in the face to all indie filmmakers out there. I simply cannot recommend this film regardless of your favorite genre. Dominika is perhaps the only redeeming quality of this film and that might be pushing it a bit. The bare minimum I'll give an indie that made it out of post is a 2. Since 1.5 is not an option, I'll round up. Don't watch this film, you'll hate yourself in the morning.
Review by Indie Jones from the Internet Movie Database.