Austria 2014 72m      Directed by: Johannes Grenzfurthner. Starring: Stuart Freeman, Sophia Grabner, Lukas Tagwerker, Martin Auer, Roland Gratzer, Evelyn Fürlinger, Jeff Ricketts, Manuel Bräuer, James Brothwell, Tom De Roeck, Rebecca Alice Döltl, Clara Gallistl, Thomas Kranabetter. Music by: Max Beseda, Kasson Crooker, Stefan Franke, Robert Glashüttner, Jordan Starpause Gray, Leigh Howells, Brady Leo, Albin Meskes, Andreas Stoiber, Christoph Burstup Weiss, Yakov.
The growing tension between the last two remaining superpowers - China and Google - escalates in the early 21st century, and results in the global inferno of the ''Google Wars''. But the years go by, radioactive dust settles on old battlegrounds, and a New World rises from the ashes of the old. Fratt Aigner, a seedy journalist, and Alalia Grundschober, a nerdy technician, live and work in Mega City Schwechat: the biggest semi-urban sprawl in the foothills of what remained of the Alps. Newspaper mogul Thurnher von Pjölk assigns them a special task: to venture into the boondocks of the Gstetten and find the legendary Echsenfriedl. It is the beginning of a journey full of dangers, creatures and precarious working conditions.