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USA 2014 148m      Directed by: Ebony Wilson. Starring: Toochukwu T.C. Anyachonkeya, Hunter Bolton, Bryan Chassereau, Hannah Chassereau, Courtney Clowney, Laura Coleman, Faith Creech, Erik Cunningham, Hannibal Davis, Hunter Davis, Nicole Davis, Emily Fincher, Jeremy Gaines. Music by: Nick Ducko.
A genetically enhanced superhuman race has been created to govern world order and peace. But, as power turns to greed, and the country worsens under a crumbling Capital Security, the human race finds itself being ruled by the species it first sought to control. Wanting not only credit for their supreme intelligence, but revenge for their irrational treatment, the race known as the Raiders of Infusco is out to demonstrate the true meaning of power, and they are by no means merciful.
Only some nebulous gibberish about a takeover of the USA, by some kind of totalitarian movement; in which everyone is altered to be some kind of wild-eyed order follower. There is some character building of a group of refugee, fugitive, resisters. The bad guys show up, and predictably abuse the resisters, taking away a child.
Review by bemyfriend-40184 from the Internet Movie Database.