It's not that bad, if you liked the first thinning then it's similar to that, if you can get past the weird cast It's semi entertaining, it seems most reviews hate the logan actor, but since I'm not a follower I think he played the part OK and fit in with the rest of the odd cast, these are not Hollywood actors and it brings a new genre of people into movie industry IE the average joejane.
the movie had some shortcomings they should of kept the nerd kid instead of killing him off, he was probably the best actor and added some comedic elements into the serious tone of the movie(s).
Nothing the characters do actually connect, the girls plot was basically useless except help the wrong side, and in the end it did nothing except ruin her image and make her untrustful, sure she got the data that exposed the forced work camps, but with logan escaping at the end it was really for nothing since he would of exposed it anyways, also with her getting a chopper sent to the location on election night, it caused them to enforce the anti-thinning law, so really everything she did just hurt the wrong side, maybe she will play a bigger part in the thinning 3 but her whole script could of been pulled in my opinion but of course they want to make a thinning 3 so I guess we will see how it plays out.
Even with all the shortcomings I thought it was somewhat entertaining and deserves higher rating then the current 3 rating, users should be rating on the movie and not particulalr actors.
Review by pipo-19402 from the Internet Movie Database.