The film opens with a plane crash in Long Island in 1976, an early zombie attack and then goes to Jamestown, N.Y. where the zombies appear after walking underwater from Fire Island. While Jamestown has a lake, it appears a bit land locked from the ocean Great Lakes and is at the opposite side of the state. Perhaps this was some kind of comedy spoof. This bad geography is followed by a good zombie autopsy. The zombies are given a drug to control them, which makes them stronger and smarter. Later, there is a large humanzombie hybrid population of people in their 20's and the same guy has been mayor the whole time and keeps thinking about running for governor and no one else has aged either.
The plot is rather long and has a lot of parts. The mayor is the head of a crime family which also controls the serum for the zombies, no FDA testing or approval required. They want to make the hybrids part of society, yet tattoo a bar code on their forehead so everyone knows.
This was a massive undertaking for a low budget indie. The film tried to say too much with too little. I liked James Carey as the scientist, even though they gave him some bad lines. Overall the acting was bad as was the narration. The sound was uneven with low budget wind sounds against the microphone during the fishing scene. The cause of the zombie outbreak is given as the right combination of chemicals and poisons in our environment, yet the zombies only seem to be in Jamestown. They are called "infected" but there is no viral transmission, but people are afraid of them as they would be an HIV person. Politics is overtly satirized with way too much explanation.The plot holes, the plot shifting, the length of the production, the low budget acting makes it a difficult watch.
Apex, refers to the alpha species on top of the food chain.
On the plus side, no swearing, sex, or nudity. Could be used for insomnia as a chemical alternative.
Review by Michael Ledo from the Internet Movie Database.