Recently rediscovered sci-fi smut from Texas, THINGS TO COME is surprisingly and laudably ambitious - particularly in its first third, where it really feels like a real movie. I was impressed by the locations the production managed to source, as well as the script, which felt fairly fleshed out and ambitious (if owing a large debt to FAHRENHEIT 451 and similar dystopian sci-fi). Unfortunately, it's a lack of direction that sinks this endeavor.
In some unidentified future, society has evolved into a socialist state where people's employment is managed by the government and everyone spends all their free time watching pornographic television. Our protagonist is a young woman who seems to have it all: a fulfilling career, a husband, and a big-screen TV in the living room. Nevertheless, like a distaff Guy Montag, she feels discontented, tired of her husband's single-minded obsession with television and longing simply to take a walk outside. As rumors of her dissatisfaction start to spread, she's recruited to join a group of revolutionaries plotting to overthrow the government, and after winning a free trip to the national Pleasure Dome, she and the group realize it might be the perfect opportunity to destroy the giant supercomputer governing society, which is conveniently located in the same complex.
All this setup is fantastic, creating an interesting (if derivative) dimestore sci-fi reality that's easy to get lost in. Unfortunately, the film totally runs out of steam once it reaches the Pleasure Dome. Our heroine wanders around not doing much, as robot pleasure guides (a la WESTWORLD) give her tours and try to help her find some way to enjoy herself. When the film suddenly bungles into its climax, an abrupt WIZARD OF OZ-style twist that crops up out of nowhere, it doesn't resolve any of the questions broached at the outset, and proves unfortunately quite unsatisfying.
What I did admire was the film's ambitious production design. There are some great locations selected that look suitably futuristic, complimented by wonderful (if chintzy) TV-style sci-fi interiors. The costuming has a similar LOST IN SPACE early STAR TREK vibe I appreciated, and overall it seems like a lot of work went into this regional production. It's a shame the script couldn't have gone through a few more rewrites, as there are the raw materials of a real winner here.
Review by Davian_X from the Internet Movie Database.