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Vanishing Waves

Vanishing Waves (2012) Movie Poster
Lithuania / France / Belgium  •    •  124m  •    •  Directed by: Kristina Buozyte.  •  Starring: Marius Jampolskis, Jurga Jutaite, Rudolfas Jansonas, Vytautas Kaniusonis, Martina Jablonskyte, Darius Meskauskas, Sarunas Bartas, Brice Fournier, Philip Lenkowsky, Frédéric Andrau, Maciej Marczewski, Nicolas Simon, Arnoldas Eisimantas.  •  Music by: Peter Von Poehl.
        A neuron-transfer scientist experiments with the thoughts of a comatose young woman.


   Length:  Languages:  Subtitles:


Image from: Vanishing Waves (2012)
Image from: Vanishing Waves (2012)
Image from: Vanishing Waves (2012)
Image from: Vanishing Waves (2012)
Image from: Vanishing Waves (2012)
Image from: Vanishing Waves (2012)
Image from: Vanishing Waves (2012)
Image from: Vanishing Waves (2012)
Image from: Vanishing Waves (2012)
Image from: Vanishing Waves (2012)
Image from: Vanishing Waves (2012)
Image from: Vanishing Waves (2012)
Image from: Vanishing Waves (2012)
Finally, I got this movie to watch in 2014. As always watching Lithuanian movie I never expect something very attractive or interesting. Decided to see it just in case - maybe something has changed. Here's my honest thoughts about this movie.

The plot idea is quite interesting, but badly realized due to low budget, I guess. Movie is concentrated on the characters and not on the experiment of neuron-transmit technology itself, which IMHO supposed to be the main -''catch" to watch this movie. The whole movie is based on a mistake made by a medical-IT scientist. It's hardly believable that scientist could lie about such an important experiment and fake the result. It's a science experiment, not a personal machine for your sex and other desires. I think this is a main plot hole. The idea itself about connecting two people via wire is not new at all. It reminded me of Inception and some episodes of Fringe, but without much of VFX, of course. At the beginning I even thought: -''Oh man, this will be something like surrealistic mini-series -''Prisoner"". Well, not really. At least it tried to be that way. The problem with this movie is that most of the movie contains some art-house thing, which is not interesting at all and even awkward to watch. Yeah, it had some secret meanings, but sometimes you miss the idea of the particular scene. Another thing I didn't like were nude scenes. Yeah, explicit nude scenes are present in this movie and some of them were really disturbing to watch. Especially scene with fully naked running man (and woman in a distance somewhere). I had to scroll forward that particular scene. The other huge problem -' movie hardly gives you any feelings after you watched it -' neither sadness or happiness (drama), neither food for brains (sci-fi), neither passion (romance movies), neither a thrill (in horror or thriller movies).

I have to admit video quality was quite impressive. Camera work could be more dynamic while filming dialogs to create suspense, which was absent in this movie. Audio in some scenes is too quiet to understand the words. It's not understandable even if you change your volume levels. Well, too bad. At the end you're given important information about the plot in form of whispers. It was very nice idea to end movie like this, but was disappointed at this point as I had to re-watch the ending several times to hear what they're saying.

Unlike other Lithuanian movies, in this one you won't see that crazy and ridiculous acting, which was taken from cheap Russian TV shows and movies. Everything was quite a professional, Scandinavian type of acting. I liked this right from the beginning and this is the strongest side of this movie. But it's not enough -' somehow acting doesn't make you feel for the characters. Maybe it's because of weak directing or even weak scenario itself.

This movie looks exceptional and it has been awarded in some European movie awards, but it lacks some serious aspects that could be attractive for casual viewer like me.

Review by s-agafonov91 from the Internet Movie Database.