I don't usually post reviews - BUT WOW. This has got to be one of the worst things I've ever seen. I've watched through all kinds of garbage, sci-fi originals, terrible found footage horror movies and pretty much everything in between. I can't even begin to summarize the worst parts of this pile of crap. This is a truly terrible experience. The "acting", the script (I'm seriously wondering if there was one), The "special effects" pretty much every aspect of this thing is laughable.
In the end I was left with the following questions: How does something of this quality makes it out of the home studio? How long does it take to make something like this, a couple weeks? There are some decent (At least I thought they were before) actors in this, what was the incentive, a trip to Europe? In the end though, really why bother?
Review by winterishere from the Internet Movie Database.