Either you buy right into this film or you just don't. This film is very strange right from the beginning and only gets more weird as the film goes on. This is definitely not you're everyday zombie film like Zombieland or World War Z, just the top of my head, it is a much more slow and methodical film about characters and their interactions. Don't get me wrong there are some great laughs in this film and maybe just a little bit of zombie killing to.
Jim Jarmusch has written and directed a zombie film that is absolutely bonkers not just as a zombie flick but as a film. The dialogue in this film and direction that he has given the actors, especially Bill Murray and Adam Driver, is just so strange. It is delivered in a way that makes everything they same seem so normal like water is wet. Even when the zombie killings start happening it is brought up so casually......I cant quite put it into words. I can definitely see this being one of the points as to why audiences may not latch onto this film because you're either going to go along with it or be completely disconnected from the film. I am happy to say that I'm the former in that scenario. Jarmusch has definitely given us something original, new and fresh in terms of the zombie genre in film. Its a welcome change personally.
The cast of this film is stupidly good and unsurprisingly all of them deliver. The two biggest standouts are Bill Murray and Adam Driver who are both great in their respective roles and are involved in some very funny scenes. Both characters are very likeable and you go along with them in this journey as cops in this some village, along with Chole Sevigny who is also good. Other shoutouts should go to Tom Waits who is just so creepy and is just made for that role. Tilda Swinton, Danny Glover, Steve Buscemi and Caleb Landry Jones are also all really good.
oh yeah......small shoutout for Selena Gomez she was good in a small role.
The last positive I have is to do with the writing of the humour and the deeper meaning behind some of the film. Firstly the humour is not overused in this film but when it is used it is done perfectly, there really are some laugh out loud moments. Moments such as the zombies carrying around phones looking for wi-fi.........genius gag. Adam Driver's character's car keys has a Star Wars Star Destroyer key fob on it...........a on the nose hint at Drivers involvement in the franchise......again really funny. There is another side to the humour that is linked to the other point about the hinting at deeper meanings behind the film. The film does hint at two main topics environmental and political. Such as the polar fracking causing the zombie apocalypse, its batted over you're head but its used cleverly and not over the top. Just like Steve Buscemi's character wearing a particular hat with a bit of a twist or his dog's name being Rumsfeld. Or Adams Driver's character commenting on Selena Gomez characters country of birth. These hints in the humour I like a lot, it puts the point across but also makes you laugh.
But the biggest laugh has to be conversation between Bill Murray and Adam Driver towards the end of the film. When Adam Driver said that he read the script I completely lost it.. it just worked so well for me personally. If that didn't make you laugh then you probably didn't like this film that much.
Overall it 80% out of 100 or 8 out of 10, I thought it was very good. It was everything I wanted it to be and a little more, a new fresh take on the cliche zombie film that was really enjoyable. However this is not for everyone so I completely understand if you were bored throughout, fortunately for me I wasn't. I did have a couple of problems though, the film is a little to slow in some parts it can get a bit stagnant. The other is I would have like to seen more of some other characters like Danny Glover, Caleb Landry Jones......also Selena Gomez and her two friends, they all sort of popped up and then got eaten........would have like a bit more character development. Still all in all a really entertaining and bizarre watch that is an.........original film!!!!!!!!
Review by Lewis_Heather787 from the Internet Movie Database.