Director Tata Esteban, working from a wildly colorful and creative script by Grace Hill Serrano, maintains a brisk pace from start to finish and does an expert job of creating a creepy, surreal and unpredictable anything-can-happen outré atmosphere. Joe Tutanes' crisp cinematography offers a wondrous wealth of strikingly odd images. Ray Ramos' wonky score neatly mixes both cool-rippin' rock and spooky ooga-booga scareshow music. Better still, there's a dazzling array of funky creatures featured throughout which include a lethal sword-wielding samurai dude, a tribe of savage dwarfs, a tubby dog-eared thing with a TV screen in his stomach, and a hideous humanoid swamp monster. The special effects are pretty crude, but do the trick just the same. A total wacky blast.
Review by Woodyanders from the Internet Movie Database.