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Rupture (2016) Movie Poster
Canada / USA  •    •  102m  •    •  Directed by: Steven Shainberg.  •  Starring: Noomi Rapace, Michael Chiklis, Kerry Bishé, Peter Stormare, Ari Millen, Lesley Manville, Sergio Di Zio, Morgan Kelly, Mayko Nguyen, Percy Hynes White, Andrew Moodie, Jonathan Potts, Brendan Jeffers.  •  Music by: Nathan Larson.
        Without even knowing it, Renee, a divorced single mother, and her rebellious teen son, Evan, are being under surveillance in their own home. But who is the one behind the hidden cameras, collecting all this information about this unaware family? Before long, an odd car breakdown will set the stage for Renee's violent abduction, where a group of anything but good Samaritans will take her to a state-of-the-art hidden laboratory to conduct a string of horrifying psychosomatic experiments on her. What are the intentions of Renee's unfeeling snatchers?


   Length:  Languages:  Subtitles:


Image from: Rupture (2016)
Image from: Rupture (2016)
Image from: Rupture (2016)
Image from: Rupture (2016)
Image from: Rupture (2016)
Image from: Rupture (2016)
Image from: Rupture (2016)
Image from: Rupture (2016)
Noomi Rapace has been on a roll as of late, bringing us one powerhouse performance after another. Rupture continues to prove that she will do anything to get her character and her performance right, even if that means giving herself, and us for that matter, a few nightmares along the way. Honestly, this film should have a disclaimer of some kind. Something like: "Warning, intense and phobia-inducing. We are not responsible for any nightmares that may occur." It's a spectacular film, one that I won't be forgetting any time soon.

Rupture begins with a view of a suburban area and the camera immediately pans 360 degrees to give us that feel of not really knowing where we are. It's a brilliant and effective maneuver by director Steven Shainberg, who has revisited directing for the first time in 10 years. He certainly hasn't lost a step in those ten years, bringing all kinds of fears and emotions to the screen that only a true talent can provide.

As the film progresses, Renee (Noomi Rapace) is preparing for the day when we see someone plant a device on her car tire. This is when feeling of paranoia sets in. It's obvious that someone is after her but we aren't sure who yet. As Renee is driving, her tire blows and is forced off the road. A man pulls over seemingly to help her but it turns out he's helping the captors. Already we have the sense that no one can be trusted. At this point, I was assuming that these people were hired by her ex-husband, or maybe it would take a turn like in The Game and one of her friends would have been behind it. I won't say what the true outcome is, but I will say it was completely unexpected.

The film keeps you guessing at every turn and that's something that is sadly rare these days. Most films copy other films which makes them all the easier to figure out. Thankfully the world has an actress such as Noomi Rapace who only accepts the roles that are mentally challenging rather than roles that spoon-feed you and give you answers immediately so your mind won't have to work too hard. If you ever want a film that will astonish, shock, and sometimes even terrify you, watch Rupture. I give the film 4 out of 4 stars.

Review by Sylva Movie-Critic from the Internet Movie Database.


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