USA 1981 88m      Directed by: Robert Emenegger, Allan Sandler. Starring: Chip Johnson, Adam West, Gretchen Corbett, Peter Kastner, Steven Mond, Karen Kondazian, Mary Ellen O'Neill, Elmore Vincent, Hildy Brooks, Rebecca Clemons, Lee Anthony, Kirk Alyn, Barry Gordon. Music by: Robert Emenegger.
After a long space journey, an astronaut returns home to his family--only to discover that he has somehow gone through a "time warp" and is now one year into the future, rendering him invisible to all those around him.
TIME WARP is a forgotten (deservedly so, some might say) science fiction movie, made for TV and starring BATMAN's Adam West in a supporting role. It's a weird little flick, full of cheesy, cardboard effects and a meandering storyline involving an astronaut who, due to an anomaly in space, is transported back to Earth via time warp which means that nobody can see him because he's living a year in the future. Unbelievably, this was written by one 'Anne Spielberg' - sister to Steven, of course.
It's a neat idea, but the very poor, bargain-level execution helps to sink it. Imagine it as the thinking man's BUCK ROGERS IN THE 25TH CENTURY, with added 2001: A SPACE ODYSSEY thrown in (the guy has a friendly computer, HAL 9000 style, who helps him on his mission). There's no action here and much of the screen time just consists of a bored astronaut sitting around and waiting for stuff to happen. The invisible-to-family scenes are really weird and don't achieve much, although I guess the film does summon up an atmosphere of longing and nostalgia. The acting is generally wooden, with the exception being West's weird and not entirely successfully acting style.
Review by Leofwine_draca from the Internet Movie Database.