UK 2009 85m      Directed by: Steve O'Brien, Warren Speed. Starring: Victoria Hopkins, Warren Speed, Christian Steel, Seymour Leon Mace, Kate Soulsby, Peter Bonner, Joe Nicholson, Bill Fellows, Kathy Paul, Marysia Kay, Gillian Settle, Victoria Broom, Bettie Rogers. Music by: Dan Bewick.
A travelling group of freaks, headed up by Pervo the Clown, go to a rural farm to take part in a webcast interview to help them gain more followers and make the public aware of their awesome freakishness. Unbeknownest to our little group, however, this same rural farm is also home to a combined cult for women / zombie research laboratory. When the zombie virus is mistakenly added to a bowl of punch women, with breasts flying, are sent on a murderous, cannibalistic rampage that only this little band of circus freaks can stop.
An absolutely hysterical zombie movie full of dark humour and visual gags. In the style of a Troma movie (without being a direct copy) it will appeal to all of you with a sense of fun who like to laugh at gory movies as well as cringe. There is a tendency these days to make zombie movies all gore and no giggles, if you're one of those people who take life seriously it might not appeal... but watch it first to find out!
It is a great introduction to NorthernGeordie humour and style which, admittedly, won't grab everyone at first but stick with it. Even if you have to watch it twice before you make up your mind it is worth it, even if it's just for the stunning cast, most of which are first-timers.
Review by Daniel Grey from the Internet Movie Database.