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On the Brain

On the Brain (2016) Movie Poster
USA  •    •  86m  •    •  Directed by: Kevin Van Stevenson.  •  Starring: Danny Hansen, Frankie Ray, Shenik Taylor, Amy Waller, Jonathan Cousens, Sharon Fredrickson, Deirdre V. Lyons, Cassie Carpenter, Cynthia Dane, Joe Karam, Tony Pandolfo, Dan Sutter, Franco Di Vittorio.  •  Music by: Timothy Beck.
     Newly appointed Sheriff Kelly Jarvis quickly realizes the dried-up town of Golden Torch is past the point of saving. After a questionable shooting, resulting in two deaths, Kelly finds himself in the middle of a string of related murders. Instead of answers, Kelly's investigation only uncovers more questions. What is wrong with Golden Torch? With each step closer to the truth, Kelly must face the terrifying reality that he may never get out of Golden Torch alive.


   Length:  Languages:  Subtitles:


Image from: On the Brain (2016)
Image from: On the Brain (2016)
Image from: On the Brain (2016)
Image from: On the Brain (2016)
Image from: On the Brain (2016)
Image from: On the Brain (2016)
Image from: On the Brain (2016)
Image from: On the Brain (2016)
Image from: On the Brain (2016)
Image from: On the Brain (2016)
Image from: On the Brain (2016)
Image from: On the Brain (2016)
Image from: On the Brain (2016)
Image from: On the Brain (2016)
Image from: On the Brain (2016)
Image from: On the Brain (2016)
Image from: On the Brain (2016)
ON THE BRAIN is an independent horror film that's a little better than you might expect. The usual problems associated with this style of filmmaking are present throughout, including some bad camera-work that distracts from the story, but otherwise it works quite well and depicts small town life in a way comparable to Stephen King.

The tale is one of parasitical invasion, in which tiny worms are burrowing into the brains of victims and turning them into cannibalistic killers. The special effects are limited as is the talent of the supporting cast, but the plotting isn't bad and the film feels quite professional in look and tone. Yes, it's hampered by the low budget, but it's far from the worst film you'll see, and some moments are quite disturbing.

Review by Leofwine_draca from the Internet Movie Database.


Off-Site Reviews:

Sep 17 2016, 13:54