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Dam Sharks

Dam Sharks (2016) Movie Poster
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  •  USA  •    •  83m  •    •  Directed by: James Kondelik, Jon Kondelik.  •  Starring: Janelle Beaudry, Paige Lauren Billiot, Ashton Bingham, Jessica Blackmore, Kabby Borders, Jason Brillantes, Corey Craig, Robert Craighead, Michelle DeMond, Andy Earle, Eric Paul Erickson, Francis Gonzalez, Saxon Jones.  •  Music by: Chris Ridenhour.
      A violent storm sends a swarm of bull sharks up river to where the salmon seem to be spawning only the bull sharks have other ideas and start using fisherman, zip liners and anything or anyone they can take a bite out of to use them as dam reinforce. Yes the sharks are turning body parts into a dam. Meanwhile the 19th biggest tech com company is having a retreat right off the beaten path by the river. Soon man and nerd have to beat these damn sharks back!


   Length:  Languages:  Subtitles:


Image from: Dam Sharks (2016)
Image from: Dam Sharks (2016)
Image from: Dam Sharks (2016)
Image from: Dam Sharks (2016)
Image from: Dam Sharks (2016)
Image from: Dam Sharks (2016)
Image from: Dam Sharks (2016)
Image from: Dam Sharks (2016)
Image from: Dam Sharks (2016)
Image from: Dam Sharks (2016)
Image from: Dam Sharks (2016)
Image from: Dam Sharks (2016)
Image from: Dam Sharks (2016)
Image from: Dam Sharks (2016)
Dam Sharks! has a great title. The exclamation point gets you ready for a comedy and that's kind of what you get. Imagine seeing the trailer on SyFy with Superman font.

The actual film is less exciting than you'd hope. Most of the characters are exaggerated stereotypes from science fiction films that you've seen previously from their dress to speech. There's an annoying boss, sexy female assistant, tough guy, redneck, and nerd. None of the intended humorous dialogue between these characters really hits home due to how familiar it is. This writing is rather lazy when you think about it. Nothing requires dialog unique to the story. Not that there is much story anyway. The lead average joe and journalist are somewhat better written in that they actually interact with the plot.

What is unique is the sharks' behavior in this film. The sharks for some reason explained by a few lines of dialogue build dams with the corpses of the people they attack. There is a story lurking in this premise. Maybe an environmental message. The film doesn't bother to explore beyond the fun visuals of seeing CGI body parts fill an ordinary wooden dam. At least it is an excuse for an animal that needs only a few dozen kilos of food per fortnight to attack a large group of people in a single day. Most shark films aren't that thoughtful even if the premise disguises the true intent.

There are not a lot of river shark films at least. The CGI is passable but the kill variety is lacking. Several victims are attacked in the air walking across bridges or ziplining. Many more are attacked in their boats. The film could have used some variety of attacks and more practical gore effects so it becomes quite boring by the end. There is at least an homage to Batman's suit ups when a character puts on a vest that's more visually interesting than any shark attack. If it isn't obvious by now, Dam Sharks! runs overly long despite its short runtime. Maybe if you saw this between commercials it would be better because you would forget how repetitive it is.The film has a marketable title and attractive actors and low budget shark films can be better than this. You're better off picking up the Shark Bait set or Meg-A-Shark set if you live in North America and going through the films there to find something better.

Review by doctorsmoothlove from the Internet Movie Database.