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Darkest Dawn, The

Darkest Dawn, The (2016) Movie Poster
UK  •    •  76m  •    •  Directed by: Drew Casson.  •  Starring: Bethan Mary Leadley, Cherry Wallis, Jess Cleverly, Sarah Perugia, Stuart Ashen, Drew Casson, Tom Scarlett, Sam Carter, Ginny Avery, Stu Weetman, Fran Weetman, Toby Quinn, Colin Murtagh..
       Two teenage sisters descent into a post apocalyptic hell where they must choose between humanity and brutality in the fight for survival as Britain descends into an alien apocalypse. They unite with another group of survivors and embark on an odyssey out of a totally devastated London...


   Length:  Languages:  Subtitles:


Image from: Darkest Dawn, The (2016)
Image from: Darkest Dawn, The (2016)
Image from: Darkest Dawn, The (2016)
Image from: Darkest Dawn, The (2016)
Image from: Darkest Dawn, The (2016)
Image from: Darkest Dawn, The (2016)
Image from: Darkest Dawn, The (2016)
Image from: Darkest Dawn, The (2016)
Image from: Darkest Dawn, The (2016)
Image from: Darkest Dawn, The (2016)
Image from: Darkest Dawn, The (2016)
Image from: Darkest Dawn, The (2016)
Image from: Darkest Dawn, The (2016)
I can honesty say this film was brilliant to watch and I highly recommend others to go and see it. It was visually beautiful and very intense to watch which is what I like to see. It reminded me a lot like the films Clover field and RED with the gritty feel. I was instantly engaged by the main character as well as throughout the story on her journey to keep herself, her sister and her new company safe from the aliens. I love that there was death always round the corner which makes you feel like you can't trust certain characters or think differently about them. The aliens were terrifying, made me jump every time one appeared.

This is defiantly a sci-fi film that keeps you glued to your chair and so if you like a lot of sci fi with a lot of death then I urge you to go watch it.

Review by Tara Williams from the Internet Movie Database.


Off-Site Reviews:

Feb 10 2017, 16:06
Nov 9 2016, 23:15