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Dark Resurrection

Dark Resurrection (2007) Movie Poster
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Italy  •    •  61m  •    •  Directed by: Angelo Licata.  •  Starring: Marcella Braga, Maurizio Zuppa, Giuseppe Licata, Elisa Werneck, Grazia Ogulin, Sara Ronco, Riccardo Leto, Sergio Múñiz, Fabrizio Rizzolo, Giorgia Wurth, Lidia Napoli Nonis.  •  Music by: Gianluca Cerchiello, Aldo De Scalzi, Pivio.
     An ancient prophecy convinces the powerful Master Sorran to commence an obsessive search for Eron, a mythical place capable of giving the Chosen One infinite knowledge. For the sake of his obsession many apprentices die, and Sorran is banished and apparently slain by the leaders of his own Order. Centuries later he reappears, as if having learned to deceive death, and discovers the location of Eron with the help of a young apprentice and the reinvigorated Imperial forces. Master Zui Mar and young Hope, who is overshadowed by a terrible secret, are sent to stop him. However, the Council carefully abstain from revealing all that awaits the two warriors, and the terrible destiny they have foreseen for them.


   Length:  Languages:  Subtitles:


Image from: Dark Resurrection (2007)
Image from: Dark Resurrection (2007)
Image from: Dark Resurrection (2007)
Image from: Dark Resurrection (2007)
Image from: Dark Resurrection (2007)
Image from: Dark Resurrection (2007)
Image from: Dark Resurrection (2007)
Image from: Dark Resurrection (2007)
Image from: Dark Resurrection (2007)
Image from: Dark Resurrection (2007)
Image from: Dark Resurrection (2007)
Image from: Dark Resurrection (2007)
Image from: Dark Resurrection (2007)
Image from: Dark Resurrection (2007)
Image from: Dark Resurrection (2007)
Out of all the "Star Wars" fan films I've seen so far, this one is without a doubt the best made one on a technical level; the costumes, sets, effects, and acting are all very well done. Unfortunately, from a storytelling point-of-view, I find it very underwhelming.

First things first, I didn't like how the Jedi are portrayed in this. Not only do they come off as far too powerful -- throwing up Force fields, regenerating from wounds at an accelerated rate, etc. -- they come off as a cross between the PT Jedi and the Bene Gesserit from the Dune Universe, which -- IMO -- is NOT how the Jedi of Luke Skywalker's Order should be portrayed; the Jedi should be warmer, more human and relatable, not cold traditionalists with a pseudo-matriarchal council trying to create a genetic super-being.

Second, the main villain's regenerative capabilities -- far, far too over the top. Not only can he recover after being run through with a lightsaber, but he can also regenerate from complete incineration(!) Like I said with the Jedi above, he's just too damn powerful, only more so.

Now, as for the characters -- I just didn't care about any of them. The Jedi, like I said, are too frigid, while the SithImperials just don't have defined character whatsoever beyond being typical black hat bad guys.

In regards to the plot, it was needlessly confusing in places. When the first flashbacks pop up, for example, they pop at random with no telltale transitions given to indicate that they even were flashbacks; it's only once you get through them that you realize they're supposed to take place in the past, not the present. More effort definitely should have been put into making the flashbacks look like actual flashbacks.

Also, what's with the Imperial fleet the Sith are allied with? Where did they come from? Does the Empire coexist with the New Republic in this timeframe? Is it some kind of Imperial remnant? Did the Empire somehow reconquer the galaxy? What's going on with those guys?

Now, as for the Sith themselves. I'm just going to be frank -- I don't like Sith anymore, not the modern PT-inspired incarnation of the Sith, anyway. Even if I didn't have a problem with Sith, though, I'd still have a problem with how they're shoehorned into the plot. Where did they come from? Did the main baddie recreate the Sith? Did he just join with a Sith organization that was already in existence? No info about them is revealed or alluded to at all at any point in the film. It's apparent that the Sith characters should have just been Dark Jedi.

Now, for my final issue with this film -- the lightsaber colours. I know it's the in-thing to go with the stupid RGB lightsaber colour scheme from the prequels these days, but I would have preferred more lightsaber colours between the Jedi and the Sith.

Review by Duragizer from the Internet Movie Database.