Spider-Man: The Dragon's Challenge |
USA 1979 92m Directed by: Don McDougall. Starring: Nicholas Hammond, Robert F. Simon, Chip Fields, Ellen Bry, Rosalind Chao, Hagan Beggs, Richard Erdman, John Milford, Benson Fong, Anthony Charnota, George Cheung, Tony Clark, Ted Danson. Music by: Dana Kaproff.
An old college friend of Mr. Jameson fleeing China (where he is the Minister of Industrial Development) to live with his Chinese-American daughter because the Chinese Government has falsely charged him with being a spy during World War II. While Peter Parker tries to prove the man's innocence he must contend with a henchmen of a British-Hong Kong businessman who will do anything to get a new Minster of Industrial Development that will ensure that his firm gets a lucrative business contract with China.
Review by chucknorrisfacts from the Internet Movie Database.