An awful independent film, shot out in the woods on somebody's hand held camera. The titular croc consists of papier mache jaws which menace actors in close up alongside close ups of a cheap-looking eyeball. There's no real plot to speak of, just various non-actors wandering around the woods and occasionally getting attacked by the titular menace.
An attack on an outdoor buffet consists of blood being thrown over a table so you have an idea of the quality of the effects work in this. The camera-work is never still so viewers predisposed to motion sickness are advised to avoid this film, as is anybody with taste. For some reason the filmmakers have gone for a grindhouse look which means that faux print damage is utilised throughout.
The whole thing feels lifeless and boring, with the director too busy shooting establishing shots and arty attempts at style and imagery when they really should be knuckling down for even a rudimentary attempt at narrative. A ZOMBIE CROC is a real grind and even worse than the similar SHARK EXORCIST.
Review by Leofwine_draca from the Internet Movie Database.