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Galaxy of Horrors

Galaxy of Horrors (2017) Movie Poster
Canada  •    •  105m  •    •  Directed by: Dennis Cabella, Javier Chillon, Todd Cobery, Andrew Desmond, Benni Diez, Marcello Ercole, Richard Karpala, Justin McConnell, Antonio Padovan, Fabio Prati, Ethan Shaftel, Marinko Spahic.  •  Starring: Olli Banjo, Adam Buller, Michelle Colao, Greg Engbrecht, Elle Gabriel, Francesc Garrido, Alias Hilsum, Charles Hubbell, Rob Kerkovich, Vin Kridakorn, Mathis Landwehr, Claire Oelkers, Julio Perillán.  •  Music by: Sean Motley.
      Trapped in a damaged cryogenic pod, a man is forced to watch a series of horrific science-fiction tales while his life support systems run out. Featuring eight intense stories of the unknown and other-worldly, equally wonderful and terrifying. Visit the GALAXY OF HORRORS, if you dare! Curated from Rue Morgue & Unstable Ground's Little Terrors Festival.


   Length:  Languages:  Subtitles:


Image from: Galaxy of Horrors (2017)
Image from: Galaxy of Horrors (2017)
Image from: Galaxy of Horrors (2017)
Image from: Galaxy of Horrors (2017)
Image from: Galaxy of Horrors (2017)
Image from: Galaxy of Horrors (2017)
Image from: Galaxy of Horrors (2017)
Image from: Galaxy of Horrors (2017)
Image from: Galaxy of Horrors (2017)
Image from: Galaxy of Horrors (2017)
Image from: Galaxy of Horrors (2017)
Image from: Galaxy of Horrors (2017)
Like all anthologies, this one has some highs and lows but let's be clear, if you are looking for a "Creepshow"-like coherent movie, prepare to be a bit disappointed: the movie presents itself more like a honest (modest?) themed compilation of short stories from different authors and countries - USA, Italia, Germany and France if I got it right. If some of them strongly lurks in "Twilight Zone" and "Black Mirror" territories, some tries to expand into cinematic ambitions - "Alien", CaroJeunet's, "2001" for the most visual efforts - even the Cronenberg's "new flesh" is part of it!

So, "Galaxy of Horrors" unashamedly quotes its inspirations (50 years and counting of sci-fi) and is a work of love from semi-pro to pro teams which blends the most gruesome to the most beautiful parts of the Sci-fihorror score, from the most clichéd to the wittiest. If you like this kind of experimental project with a touch of risk, get aboard. Not a waste of time (to me) to discover new talents.

Review by Switcher1972 from the Internet Movie Database.


Off-Site Reviews:

Mar 8 2017, 13:16