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Ice Road Terror

Ice Road Terror (2011) Movie Poster
  •  USA  •    •  86m  •    •  Directed by: Terry Ingram.  •  Starring: Brea Grant, Ty Olsson, Dylan Neal, Malcolm Stewart, Michael Hogan, Merrilyn Gann, David Lyle, William Belleau, Jim Shield, Don Thompson, Sean Owen Roberts, Donavon Stinson.  •  Music by: Stu Goldberg.
       Two truckers driving across frozen Alaskan rivers to deliver equipment to a remote diamond mine, encounter a long-dormant prehistoric creature on the frozen ice.


   Length:  Languages:  Subtitles:


Image from: Ice Road Terror (2011)
Image from: Ice Road Terror (2011)
Image from: Ice Road Terror (2011)
Image from: Ice Road Terror (2011)
Image from: Ice Road Terror (2011)
Image from: Ice Road Terror (2011)
Image from: Ice Road Terror (2011)
Image from: Ice Road Terror (2011)
Image from: Ice Road Terror (2011)
Well, this movie is hilarious. Hilariously bad that is. The budget is two million and it shows. The monster, which is the center piece of the movie, just looks terrible, but that's what makes the movie fun. I had to laugh so much the first time they showed it on screen.

Of course the movie has no logic whatsoever. The main "plot" is that two truckers have to make one last delivery before the spring comes and then they encounter the monster which was awoken (or whatever) by some sort of mining operation. Then they go and kill it. Done. That's your plot.

One scene of the movies has the trucks on the titular ice road and the monster breaking through the ice. Which is all fine and dandy, but you will notice that the ice is not even an inch thick but is supposed to support two 40 ton trucks, which would probably require at least two feet of solid ice to support them.

There are a couple other scenes that defy all logic, but that's only to the benefit of the movie, because overall the movie would be pretty boring if not for the terrible action scenes.

Review by uselessDM from the Internet Movie Database.


Off-Site Reviews:

Jun 10 2017, 11:46