Pffft Inception, amirite? Way to ruin a cool concept Mr Nolan, you had characters who could go into shared dreams and you did what, had them make a rish boy cry?! Why not have them solve a missing child case, like this smash hit did?
Your plot twists a weak, oh so in the introduction it turns out they were in a dream within a dream? Nothing compared to finding out that the criminal mastermind behind a kidnapping was the chief of police all along, the same chief of police who deliberately stopped the case being declared a cold case because a reporter kept punching politicians! Your collapsing city was hardly impressive too! Why have a finale take place in a collapsing grey city inside the mind of someone dying and every time a defibrillator is used lightning strikes, when you could have a finale take place in a collapsing grey city inside the mind of someone dying and every time a defibrillator is used AN EARTHQUAKE HAPPENS AND A BUILDING EXPLODES?!
There are so many more subtleties I don't even have time to discuss, like the Catholic orphanage that apparently never cross-references the names of new orphans against the names of missing children (which is itself a cunning metaphor for the Irish Catholic Church stealing children from single mothers), or the plan to illegally harvest an organ from someone with a rare blood type, then just show up with it at a hospital and expect them to just perform the transplant without question being used to highlight the global transplant shortage (SIGN UP TO DONOR LISTS PEOPLE, DUH!). The hacker being able to hack into anything, EVEN DREAMS, was a cool 80s throw-back too! Solid 1010 guys!
Review by benjaminweber from the Internet Movie Database.