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Christmas Dinosaur, The

Christmas Dinosaur, The (2004) Movie Poster
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USA  •    •  48m  •    •  Directed by: Bruce Johnson.  •  Starring: Jules de Jongh, Tom Eastwood, Anjella Mackintosh, Jo Ruiz Rodriguez, Ben Small..
    Jason Barnes, who is a eight-year-old dinosaur freak, wants a mechanical toy called DinoBot for Christmas gift. However, when he opens his Christmas present pretty early, what he gets is a boring petrified dinosaur egg. Then the great adventure begins, a baby pterosaur is born. So Jason names him spot, and hides him in his bedroom...


   Length:  Languages:  Subtitles:


Image from: Christmas Dinosaur, The (2004)
Image from: Christmas Dinosaur, The (2004)
Image from: Christmas Dinosaur, The (2004)
Image from: Christmas Dinosaur, The (2004)
Image from: Christmas Dinosaur, The (2004)
Image from: Christmas Dinosaur, The (2004)
Image from: Christmas Dinosaur, The (2004)
Image from: Christmas Dinosaur, The (2004)
Image from: Christmas Dinosaur, The (2004)
Image from: Christmas Dinosaur, The (2004)
Image from: Christmas Dinosaur, The (2004)
Image from: Christmas Dinosaur, The (2004)
Image from: Christmas Dinosaur, The (2004)
Image from: Christmas Dinosaur, The (2004)
Image from: Christmas Dinosaur, The (2004)
Somewhere, somehow, someone or some people with influence either had a bad case of judgement, under the influence of something, or was really trying to entice a certain demographic as part of their audiences and brought us this piece of rubbish that deserves nothing less than the dishonor of being tossed into the trash and forgotten. The premise is of two kids finding a dinosaur and tries to hide it from there family and not to mention how ugly they look. In fact that's part of the problem with the show is that all the cheapness are so ugly that they're creepy. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy good holiday special but I don't like this. Not only that, the humor is disgusting, the plots border if not cross on inappropriateness, and the whole premise of the movie is stupid beyond words. No wonder it offended so many people and got cancelled. It should have been rejected before before or early in production. What's worse is that better and watchable shows were cancelled so that this waste could air and be funded.

Review by tommypezmaster from the Internet Movie Database.