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Plague 2: Biohazard Blood, The

Plague 2: Biohazard Blood, The (2017) Movie Poster
USA  •    •  80m  •    •  Directed by: Emir Skalonja.  •  Starring: Mirela Ajdimovski, Michael Balch, Rob Bickert III, Linda Bickert, Madelyn Bruno, Tyler Cheman, Mitch Cochran, Jamie Colby, Nicholas Duerr, Katherine Fudge, Leah Glendenning, Michelina Houlihan, Amira Keeton.  •  Music by: Joshua McDonald.
    After Tom's and Jack's death, Becky and Jill continue their journey in the zombie apocalypse. They trek across the Western New York, living day by day, scavenging for anything and everything. Their goal is only to survive, until they see the mysterious signs for a sanctuary.


Image from: Plague 2: Biohazard Blood, The (2017)
Image from: Plague 2: Biohazard Blood, The (2017)
Image from: Plague 2: Biohazard Blood, The (2017)
Image from: Plague 2: Biohazard Blood, The (2017)
I enjoy the first film The Plague! The second film lives up to the original story! Truly any horror zombie fan will love both these films! It's the amazing writing and great directing that makes the series so excellent. The characters are in depth and interesting and story lines draws you in the films with excitement. You will find an unique film experience with watching these movies.

Review by Marc Borden from the Internet Movie Database.


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