USA 2017 71m      Directed by: Dustin Ferguson. Starring: Daiane Azura, Clint Beaver, Schuylar Craig, Edwin Garcia, Lia Havlena, Dawna Lee Heising, Robert Lankford, Crystal Milani, Breana Mitchell, Mel Novak, Mark Popejoy, Sue Price, Joelle Reeb. Music by: Daiane Azura, Aidan Casserly, Rob Robinson.
It is the year 2077 and terrorist organization known as The Red Army Hammerheads now dominate the Earth. The fate of humanity now rests in the hands of The New Model, Ari Frost. Trained under the wing of Alex Rain, she must form an army of Cyborg Humans to take down the regime and regain control. After all, 86.5% is still considered human.
The best way to describe it is to describe the first 15 minutes. There is a very very long scroll describing a long and involved back story. Then the credits start, inter spaced with a shot of a hill in the desert and nothing happening. Finally there is a girl in an alley, and she hears gun shots. In the building is an older actress in black business attire with high heels and a mini skirt, who is "shooting" at a combat robot. Except the guns were toys off a discount rack and the actors were flicking the guns towards each other and they put in cheap effect in post. Then the actress slow runs over and beats the robot with weird spark effects.
Then a long voiceover where the child actress describes a bunch of back story that may have been interesting to see, about living with the older actress.
The older actress disappears and the movie appears to start with a scene where the child is now 20, and is seducing another woman only to shoot her in the head without earning, and we learn through terrible computer effects that she is a death bot. A second set of credits start. Not joking. At least as long as the first set of credits.
That ends finally, with two women in weird blond wigs and red sex outfits slow walking doing the same weird gun flick shooting, with even worse special effects, as the child now adult character walks slightly faster than them to get away, and a cut to the simply worse TV movie version of a news cast ever.
All with terrible yellow filters on 90% of the shots. It is all so bad. The acting was like a bunch of middle school kids playing with a camera phone making a movie to pass an afternoon.
Review by garybartzjd from the Internet Movie Database.