Greece 2018 74m      Directed by: Akis Polizos. Starring: Fanis Mouratidis, Dimitris Kitsos, Melissanthi Mahut, Fiona Georgiadi, Helena Charbila, Natasa Exintaveloni, Albertos Fais, Giannis Gianoulis, Dimitris Goutzamanis, Dimitris Kalimeris, Giorgos Koskorellos, Samantha Morrison, Antonis Sanianos. Music by: Vaggelis Tountas.
Mars 2038, a lonely 48-year-old man, lives with a young beautiful robot girl who anticipates and fulfills all his desires without asking for anything in return. When its operating system is upgraded with Artificial Emotions, she begins to feel neglected and she goes in search for the answer to the ultimate question, what is love?
Watched on YouTube with English subtitles. Nice futuristic love story but lacks character development. The main character is hard to root for because he doesn't take anyone's feelings into consideration but his own. The phone call between his girlfriend while he's sitting on a bench with Pavlina post ferris wheel made me think both main characters were cruel and heartless, despite the fact it was supposed to be a romantic scene.
The ending didn't make sense as the main character aged but they main female character had not. There was also the issue of the fact that everything is digital yet there is some lengthy process to cancel a firmware reset? That doesn't make sense.
Review by rachelnstephens from the Internet Movie Database.