USA / USA 2018 113m      Directed by: David M. Rosenthal. Starring: Theo James, Kat Graham, Nancy Sorel, Nicole Ari Parker, Forest Whitaker, Anett Rumanoczky, J.J. Ramberg, Cheryl Gensiorek, Harpreet Singh Kanda, Ron Verwymeren, RJ Fetherstonhaugh, Aaron Hughes, Lanie McAuley. Music by: Atli Örvarsson.
After an unknown cataclysmic event on the US West coast, a devoted father set out on a 2000 mile journey from Chicago to rescue his daughter from Seattle. During the journey an unlikely bond develops between them as they are forced to deal with a collapse in humanity, all desperate to stay alive, still unaware of what has taken place.
Everyone complains about the non-ending. There was an ending, it's just doesn't wrap things up definitively. In fact the "ending" as I saw it was 15 minutes long. Much is left to the imagination which sadly is eroding from our society. If you are under 25 and spend 50% of your life taking pictures of yourself with bunny ears, you probably won't like this movie because it forces you to think and there is zero instant gratification. You won't be told exactly what the disaster is and there aren't battles with aliens or anything like that. You are left just as confused and freaked out as the characters had to be.
Where the film succeeds is in human interactions that are realistic and not over the top or ridiculous. In life or death situations there are people who will help you, and there are those that will look out only for themselves. Those scenes are where the edge of your seat moments are.
Another complaint I've read from many reviewers is that the protagonists make stupid mistakes. Like, not looking for better weapons or supplies and not asking other people who are walking away from the disaster "what happened?" whilst they drive towards it. Again, if you can't think, then you can't realize that you need to suspend disbelief just a tad. Or, there's no movie. Everyone would immediately save themselves, there'd be no build up, no chance for characterization, and well, again, no movie to watch.
I gave it a fair review. Not a 10 because I liked it and wanted my opinion to have the weight of a 10. If Shawshank is a 10, this is a 6 or 7. Entertaining, suspenseful, and well acted. And it's not low-brow. You need to be somewhat patient and let your imagination fill in the blanks.
Review by jjccpa from the Internet Movie Database.