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Throwback Holiday

Throwback Holiday (2018) Movie Poster
USA  •    •  88m  •    •  Directed by: Trey Haley.  •  Starring: Jennifer Freeman, Robert Ri'chard, Rhyon Nicole Brown, Jean Elie, Vanessa Bell Calloway, Kj Smith, Vanessa Paul, Jay Reeves, Kareem J. Grimes, Kennedy Stephens, Jaies Baptiste, Isaiah Russell-Bailey, Diahnna Nicole Baxter.  •  Music by: Matthew Head.
Jacqueline is living an unfulfilled life and a doomed marriage. After a chance encounter former classmate , she rethinks her life and wishes she could go back to high school for a do-over. Like a Christmas miracle, Jacqueline awakens to find herself a high school senior again with the ability to change everything.


I was channel hopping & this was just about to start on VoxAfrica channel, a channel I very rarely, if ever watch. I love a time travel story & after quickly looking up what it was about, I thought I'd give it a go.

Do you wish you could go back to school & alter the path of your life? Personally it would be a very difficult descision but this is what happens here in this tale of a woman who ends up in a mundane existence in mid life & suddenly is given the chance to go back & change it. It's very well done too, as it can be difficult with time travel stories on the consequences of the changes you make.

A good love story, a happy story & a message that shows that all is not seen on the surface, to aesthetically please yourself or others. If only we all could get a chance to do this... For a bit of fun & escapism, watch this, it will make you smile.

For those who ask what happens to the ex...keep watching until after the credits! 😉.

Review by Andu007 from the Internet Movie Database.