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After the Lethargy

After the Lethargy (2018) Movie Poster
Spain  •    •  82m  •    •  Directed by: Marc Carreté.  •  Starring: Liliana Cabal, Andrea Guasch, Joe Manjón, Ben Vinnicombe, Julius Cotter, Carlus Fàbrega, Mark Schardan, Sue Flack, Lucy Tillett, Ramon Canals, Celia Cordero, Patrícia Mendoza, Celia Cordero..
    A journalist experiences a terrifying Alien abduction, when researching an extraterrestrial encounter in an old war shelter.


   Length:  Languages:  Subtitles:


Image from: After the Lethargy (2018)
Image from: After the Lethargy (2018)
Image from: After the Lethargy (2018)
Image from: After the Lethargy (2018)
Image from: After the Lethargy (2018)
Image from: After the Lethargy (2018)
In the Republic of Somewhere, in Tetis County there are suspect aliens from a crash. Sara Hamilton (Andrea Guasch) heads out there as an investigative journalist. She meets Ranger Joe (Joe Manjón) who escorts her around while they are tracked by an alien creature who is noticeably male. The back story appears to be a bear metaphor in that the aliens wake up from a hibernationlethargy and need a female. Since there are no female aliens and only female reporters are selected to come into the area, you can guess the main plotline.

I liked the characters and the glimpses we got of the alien who walks like "Ted" but can scurry on all fours. The plot has a twist, but not a great one. Would have been more interesting if they had more women in the group.

Review by nogodnomasters from the Internet Movie Database.