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RoboWoman (2019) Movie Poster
USA  •    •  70m  •    •  Directed by: Dustin Ferguson.  •  Starring: Dawna Lee Heising, Brinke Stevens, Peter Stickles, Mel Novak, Aki Aleong, Gregory Blair, Sue Price, Jonathan Nation, Nathan Gershon, Vida Ghaffari, Mark Popejoy, Freddy John James, Thom Michael Mulligan..
    Vivica Stevens finds herself cornered in a dark park at night and brutally attacked, raped and left for dead by her date and his deranged friends. She's found barely alive by her roommate Carlene and undergoes illegal, experimental ''cybernetic'' surgery where she is given a replacement robotic arm and visor to correct her vision. However, the cybernetic surgery causes havoc to her brain, as well as to her body. Before long, she decides to seek revenge with the aid of her new attachments.


Is this movie even meant seriously?? Most of it is really bad. The lighting often consists of heavily lit areas, while the rest of the picture is more or less pitch black. Except for Sue Price, most actors sounds and acts amateurish. When it comes to the special effects: Vivica's "prosthetic arm" is clearly just a long sleeved rubber glove that sometimes makes a buzzing sound when moved, but usually not, the "visor" is clearly just glasses with bars in front of them, Vivica's voice inexplicably changes between being normal and being robotic. The script is terrible in general and full of double standards. The choreography consists of horribly choreographed "action sequences", with amateurish martial arts, filming from behind Vivica so that she conceals most of what is happening in front of her. A lot of the movie has suspenseful music, for example when Vivica walks, sits, talks in her mobile phone and so on...

The reviews from "timodo" must be fake; From what I can see, EVEREY SINGLE REVIEW from this person is rated a 10!!!

Review by forpassord from the Internet Movie Database.