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Some Smoke and a Red Locker

Some Smoke and a Red Locker (2019) Movie Poster
Germany  •    •  93m  •    •  Directed by: Zetkin Yikilmis.  •  Starring: Zetkin Yikilmis, Fred Aaron Blake, Narsh Alexei Smith, Alexander Tsypilev, Michael Tietz, Oliver Möller, Roland Bialke, André Bertel, Nadin Charlotte Bickert, Boris Bouanani, Jakob Brandt, Adakan Isler, Cherry Lewis.  •  Music by: Cornel Hecht.
    When a monster transporting time machine gets the two stoner brothers - Rufus and Brutus - Into trouble, they find shelter in the woods and start a monster army to fight back.


A nacked "uncle Joe" dreaming of revolution in the woods... funny stoner jokes and time traveling. Two vampires fighting together with a cyborg and a werewolf against the government. A fishman, a zombie and a mummie got involved. WhoOHooo... pizza; female agent nerd and her colleague spike boxing champion.

Never seen a film like that. Smooth acting especially Alexander Tsypilev, Narsh Alexei Smith and Michael Tietz aka Uncle Joe - I love him!

Review by ejanoschy from the Internet Movie Database.